“Entrepreneurship is a creative act” – says Prof. Günter Faltin, founder of Teekampagne whom we had the privilege of hosting this autumn for a discussion as part of our C*LAB program. Learn more about the others entrepreneurs gatherings at C*SPACE in 2023…
New KIEZ:MOBIL website is launched!
Are you curious to learn more about the project and find out how to rent it? You can visit the website here.
Audiowalk: Brachland Weißensee
Ein Audiowalk über Stadutopien in Weißensee von Katya Romanova
Audiowalk about urban utopias in Weißensee produced by Katya Romanova
Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin 2022 – Cultural Place Making at C*SPACE Berlin
“POP-UP Teahouse Berlin” is a cultural space making project at C*SPACE Berlin intending to create a tran-cultural space for the AsiaBerlin community and anyone else interested in deeper understanding between cultures. From just beeing and talking over a cup of tea, to using the Teahouse as a performance stage or engaging in discussions about the future and how we want to live: Join the many activities of the Pop-Up Teahouse summer 2022 edition!
KIEZ:MOBIL Langhanskiez Weißensee Berlin 2022 – Juni 2023 – Termine, Aktivitäten, Infos
Das KIEZ:MOBIL ist ein Projekt der mobilen und kooperativen Stadtteilgestaltung im Langhanskiez in Berlin Weißensee. 2021 ist es mit Förderung des Berliner Senates für Stadtentwicklung und in Kooperation mit dem Bezirk Pankow gestartet. Ihr wollt das KIEZ:MOBIL ausleihen? Ihr habt Lust, gemeinsam eine Aktions-Idee zu entwickeln? Meldet Euch! Hier findet ihr auch den KIEZ:MOBIL-Kalender 2022! #gemeinsamkiezmachen #nachbarschaftverbindet
’Green Cities for our Future’ is a video based training course on low-carbon and sustainable urban development in Germany. It contains 5 course units and was produced by CITYMAKERS in 2021 for the Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership, implemented by GIZ.
CITYMAKERS Global Village Map – A Transcultural Space
Be it in China or Europe, the ability to create communities (both spatial and social) is the ‘currency’ that lies at the heart of livable cities. Five years after the development of the CITYMAKERS China-Europe program, an ecosystem of places and spaces for the exchange and testing of new models of livable cities has emerged across cultural, disciplinary and national boundaries.The Global Village Map shows this ecosystem – a snapshot of projects, places and spaces where most activities happened in the CITYMAKERS program during 2015 and 2020.
The STADTMACHER-Koffer is a toolkit designed by CITYMAKERS to deepen the dialogue between city-making enthusiasts from Europe and China – as well as all people who are interested in the topic of liveable cities in the Chinese-European context.
Between September 1–18, 2020, 45 people from the CITYMAKERS community responded to the invitation to form a virtual circle, a chain of CITYMAKERS voices. What a kaleidoscope of competences on the virtual stage, ranging from high-profile academics to hands-on urban farmers, from art curators and activists to municipal intrapreneurs!
Virtual Walks Project 2020 & Videos
The CITYMAKERS Virtual Walks Project investigates fundamental themes of life in cities and on the countryside that are as relevant for people living in China as for those living in Berlin or any other European city. 20 people have taken part and created amazing video walks! Watch them here!
CITYMAKERS-Publications & Tools
CITYMAKERS Knowledge-Hub: Aiming at understanding deeper the context of cities and urbanisation processes in China other than in Europe, we have generated various studies, recommendation papers, mappings, tools and more. See an overview on of our diverse print and e-publications here.
Berlin-Beijing Learning Cities Map 北京 柏林 学习中的城市地图
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of city relations between Berlin and Beijing our CITYMAKERS-team developed a new framework for Sino-German twin cities to further learn and innovate for liveable city making.
Place Making at C*SPACE Berlin: Impressions from Pop-Up Teahouse Summer 2021
The “Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin” was a special summer 2021 place making project created and hosted at C*SPACE Berlin. On six Saturdays between July and October the charming yard of the former furniture factory in the neighbourhood of Weissensee was transformed into an outdoor teahouse, that was not only a place for casual tea hangouts, informal transcultural dialogues and talks, but also a platform for design workshops as well for artistic performances at night. Find here a photo documentation and some videos…
CITYMAKERS Herbst 2021 in Berlin: Vielfalt entdecken: Schaut Euch die 5 Video Walk Kurzfilme und den Doku-Film hier an!
Mit Förderung des Fonds Soziokultur /Neustart Kultur präsentierte CITYMAKERS diesen Herbst in Berlin: “Vielfalt entdecken – Partizipative Video Walks”. Wir stellten die Fragen, “Was für interessante und vor allem vielfältige Geschichten von Menschen und Orten gibt es in unserem jeweiligen Kiez? Was macht Vielfalt aus?” 5 engagierte Künstler*innen und gesellschaftlichen Akteur*innen haben diese Fragen durch tolle filmische Stadtspaziergänge beantwortet und wir möchten sie hier zeigen!
“Common Space- Everything flows 一切皆流” Artwork at C*SPACE
Everything is always in flow 一切皆流 : When two artists from Beijing got stranded in Berlin, their creative energy fundamentally changed the face of the CITYMAKERS residence.
KEEP WUHAN WALKING Project & Online Magazine
Das multimediale Wechselspiel von Keep Wuhan Walking – bestehend aus Audio-Atmosphären, Reportagen, Essays und wissenschaftlichen Einordnungen – führt die Flanierenden digital durch Wuhan – ob vor dem Bildschirm, im Lesesessel oder unterwegs über Kopfhörer.
The multimedia interplay of Keep Wuhan Keep Online Magazine – consisting of audio atmospheres, video impressions, reports, essays and scientific writings – guides you as strollers through Wuhan digitally – in front of the screen at home or on site in Wuhan.
Lokales Stadtmachen: KIEZMOBIL Berlin Weißensee 2021 – Doku-Film
Das KIEZMOBIL-Projekt #gemeinsamkiezmachen in Weißensee Berlin ist von der Dokumentarfilmerin Maude Fornaro begleitet worden. Hier könnt ihr den Film sehen und ein Interview mit Maude lesen, die auch als “Kiezmacherin” seit vielen Jahren kreativ unterwegs ist, u.a. das “Das Öffentliche Wohnzimmer” Projekt realisiert hat und derzeit einen Jugendclub leitet.
KIEZMOBIL-Weißensee Langhanskiez Berlin: Rückblick 2021
Was bewegt uns in unserem Kiez? Was ist uns wichtig? Wie wollen wir unser Lebensumfeld gemeinsam gestalten? – Für Austausch und Aktionen zu diesen Fragen gibt es einen neuen Treff- und Begegnungsort im Langhanskiez Weißenseee. Mit Förderung der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (FEIN) und in Kooperation mit dem Bezirk Pankow ist das KIEZMOBIL gestartet. Ort für Picknick-Cafe, Bühne für Musik-Konzerte, Workshops und mehr. Hier findet Ihr einen Rückblick zu den Aktionen 2021, mehr Informationen und Kontakte.
Walking the Chinese Countryside
The Virtual Walk “Walking the Chinese Countryside” explores the Sichuanese countryside, while the protagonist interacts with locals and foreigners, reflecting on not just structural, but also lifestyle differences between urban and rural spaces.
Video Study Tour: Green Transformation in Berlin
Is Berlin a „green” city? What projects, places and people are contributing to a sustainable future for the German capital? In the search for answers to these questions, filmmakers Kika Yang and Randolfe Camarotto, set-out to produce a video walk. The project was a cooperation between CITYMAKERS and the Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership implemented by the GIZ.