Mandatory details pursuant § 5 TMG
STADTMACHER China — Deutschland is a program by CONSTELLATIONS International GmbH supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung. CONSTELLATIONS International GmbH collects and processes your data as the responsible party for this website.
CONSTELLATIONS International GmbH, Langhansstraße 86, 13086 Berlin, Germany
Authorized Managing Director: Katja Hellkötter
Phone: + 49 (0)30 47034000
E-Mail: info(at)
Register Court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Register Number: HRB 183294 B
VAT/USt.-IdNr.: DE310294740
Responsible for content: Katja Hellkötter
Web Design: Any Studio
Graphic design/illustrations: Studio Wu 無
Web hosting: Hetzner Online GmbH
Disclaimer: CONSTELLATIONS International strives at all times to provide accurate and up-to-date information on its website and amends and/or supplements it continuously as required without prior notice. However, STADTMACHER China – Deutschland and CONSTELLATIONS International are not liable for the accuracy, topicality, or completeness of the contents of this website.
Despite strict controls, STADTMACHER China – Deutschland and CONSTELLATIONS International are also not liable for the contents of third-party sites to which this website is linked. This responsibility rests entirely with the operators of those sites.
Copyright: The website of STADTMACHER China – Deutschland, including all its elements, texts and images, is subject to German copyright law. Any use outside the narrow limits defined by the relevant copyright legislation without prior consent is prohibited, as is the sale of contents of this website to third parties.