’Green Cities for our Future’ is a video based training course on low-carbon and sustainable urban development in Germany. It contains 5 course units and was produced by CITYMAKERS in 2021 for the Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership, implemented by GIZ.
Virtual Walks Project 2020 & Videos
The CITYMAKERS Virtual Walks Project investigates fundamental themes of life in cities and on the countryside that are as relevant for people living in China as for those living in Berlin or any other European city. 20 people have taken part and created amazing video walks! Watch them here!
CITYMAKERS Herbst 2021 in Berlin: Vielfalt entdecken: Schaut Euch die 5 Video Walk Kurzfilme und den Doku-Film hier an!
Mit Förderung des Fonds Soziokultur /Neustart Kultur präsentierte CITYMAKERS diesen Herbst in Berlin: “Vielfalt entdecken – Partizipative Video Walks”. Wir stellten die Fragen, “Was für interessante und vor allem vielfältige Geschichten von Menschen und Orten gibt es in unserem jeweiligen Kiez? Was macht Vielfalt aus?” 5 engagierte Künstler*innen und gesellschaftlichen Akteur*innen haben diese Fragen durch tolle filmische Stadtspaziergänge beantwortet und wir möchten sie hier zeigen!
KIEZMOBIL-Weißensee Langhanskiez Berlin: Rückblick 2021
Was bewegt uns in unserem Kiez? Was ist uns wichtig? Wie wollen wir unser Lebensumfeld gemeinsam gestalten? – Für Austausch und Aktionen zu diesen Fragen gibt es einen neuen Treff- und Begegnungsort im Langhanskiez Weißenseee. Mit Förderung der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (FEIN) und in Kooperation mit dem Bezirk Pankow ist das KIEZMOBIL gestartet. Ort für Picknick-Cafe, Bühne für Musik-Konzerte, Workshops und mehr. Hier findet Ihr einen Rückblick zu den Aktionen 2021, mehr Informationen und Kontakte.
Walking the Chinese Countryside
The Virtual Walk “Walking the Chinese Countryside” explores the Sichuanese countryside, while the protagonist interacts with locals and foreigners, reflecting on not just structural, but also lifestyle differences between urban and rural spaces.
Video Study Tour: Green Transformation in Berlin
Is Berlin a „green” city? What projects, places and people are contributing to a sustainable future for the German capital? In the search for answers to these questions, filmmakers Kika Yang and Randolfe Camarotto, set-out to produce a video walk. The project was a cooperation between CITYMAKERS and the Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership implemented by the GIZ.
European Union Identity: A walk about war and peace
A walk through Luxembourg, one of the European capitals, focussing on the topic of European identity. A film by Rémi Mazourine.
Wonderland in Berlin
Following issues on Green life in Berlin. From Kleigartenanlage Am Volkspark e.V., Interkultureller Garten Lichtenberg up to Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG. Berlin has given several answers on how to live a green way. A film by Yilan Zeng.
East Railway Station Hangzhou, China. The Chinese character “Entrance” outlines the location of the camera. A film by Hu Yue.
Social Infrastructure
City of Books. Libraries. A personal perception on the quality of spaces in the city. A film by Anna W. I. Au.
Temporary Faith
A studio in “Iowa”, an artist compound in the Caochangdi Village in Beijing, was forcibly demolished. Since then, the life has entered a state of uncertainty. A film by Zhang Ruo.
Uncovering Traces of German Colonialism in China in Today’s Berlin
Decolonising our minds. Uncovering traces of German colonialism in China in today’s Berlin. An inquiry of different locations on Kiautschou street and Pekinger Platz. A film by Kollektiv Raumstation.
Das “Chinesenviertel” – Hamburgs forgotten Chinatown. Adopting the role of the archivist, the filmmakers combing through Hamburg’s urban fabric for traces of the hidden history of Hamburgs displaced Chinese community. A film by Lina Martin-Chan and Jöran Mandik.
This video-walk focuses on the theme of walls and hutong communities from the Forbidden City to Beijing’s Qianmen (前门) during the summer of 2020 when the corona epidemic has not yet ended. A film by Li Xin.
Walking through Stuttgart on the “Stäffele” and along the vineyards. A film by Eve Nagel and Oliver Radtke.
The Wall, is it still there?
Investigation of the topic of “boundary” in the city, corona time. A film by Wang Keyao and Fang Kong.
A conscious Walk during Pandemic in Amsterdam
How does the culture of walking is influencing urban planning in Netherlands and Asia and urban design ‘adaptation’? A film by Prisca Arosia.
Urban Transformation Shanghai and Berlin
Shanghai and Berlin have change a lot in the last three decades due to gentrification but even more with speculation. How do cities transform over time in Shanghai and Berlin? What does that look like very practically? Who drives the urban transformation? A film by Fanny Hoffmann-Loss, Annette Erpenstein, Mickey Xu.
Chinese in Berlin
Stefanie Schweiger and Angela Köckritz trace the history of Chinese living in Berlin. From the first Chinese arriving in 1822 to be displayed as an exotic curiosity. Up to the very diverse Chinese community residing in Berlin at present. A film by Stefanie Schweiger and Angela Köckritz.
From the Yangtze to the Spree
A river makes a city alive and brings culture — so is Yangtze river to Wuhan and Spree to Berlin. A film by Tian Gao and De Santis.