“Entrepreneurship is a creative act” – says Prof. Günter Faltin, founder of Teekampagne whom we had the privilege of hosting this autumn for a discussion as part of our C*LAB program. Learn more about the others entrepreneurs gatherings at C*SPACE in 2023…
The STADTMACHER-Koffer is a toolkit designed by CITYMAKERS to deepen the dialogue between city-making enthusiasts from Europe and China – as well as all people who are interested in the topic of liveable cities in the Chinese-European context.
Virtual Walks Project 2020 & Videos
The CITYMAKERS Virtual Walks Project investigates fundamental themes of life in cities and on the countryside that are as relevant for people living in China as for those living in Berlin or any other European city. 20 people have taken part and created amazing video walks! Watch them here!
CITYMAKERS-Publications & Tools
CITYMAKERS Knowledge-Hub: Aiming at understanding deeper the context of cities and urbanisation processes in China other than in Europe, we have generated various studies, recommendation papers, mappings, tools and more. See an overview on of our diverse print and e-publications here.
Berlin-Beijing Learning Cities Map 北京 柏林 学习中的城市地图
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of city relations between Berlin and Beijing our CITYMAKERS-team developed a new framework for Sino-German twin cities to further learn and innovate for liveable city making.
Place Making at C*SPACE Berlin: Impressions from Pop-Up Teahouse Summer 2021
The “Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin” was a special summer 2021 place making project created and hosted at C*SPACE Berlin. On six Saturdays between July and October the charming yard of the former furniture factory in the neighbourhood of Weissensee was transformed into an outdoor teahouse, that was not only a place for casual tea hangouts, informal transcultural dialogues and talks, but also a platform for design workshops as well for artistic performances at night. Find here a photo documentation and some videos…
CITYMAKERS Herbst 2021 in Berlin: Vielfalt entdecken: Schaut Euch die 5 Video Walk Kurzfilme und den Doku-Film hier an!
Mit Förderung des Fonds Soziokultur /Neustart Kultur präsentierte CITYMAKERS diesen Herbst in Berlin: “Vielfalt entdecken – Partizipative Video Walks”. Wir stellten die Fragen, “Was für interessante und vor allem vielfältige Geschichten von Menschen und Orten gibt es in unserem jeweiligen Kiez? Was macht Vielfalt aus?” 5 engagierte Künstler*innen und gesellschaftlichen Akteur*innen haben diese Fragen durch tolle filmische Stadtspaziergänge beantwortet und wir möchten sie hier zeigen!
“Common Space- Everything flows 一切皆流” Artwork at C*SPACE
Everything is always in flow 一切皆流 : When two artists from Beijing got stranded in Berlin, their creative energy fundamentally changed the face of the CITYMAKERS residence.
KEEP WUHAN WALKING Project & Online Magazine
Das multimediale Wechselspiel von Keep Wuhan Walking – bestehend aus Audio-Atmosphären, Reportagen, Essays und wissenschaftlichen Einordnungen – führt die Flanierenden digital durch Wuhan – ob vor dem Bildschirm, im Lesesessel oder unterwegs über Kopfhörer.
The multimedia interplay of Keep Wuhan Keep Online Magazine – consisting of audio atmospheres, video impressions, reports, essays and scientific writings – guides you as strollers through Wuhan digitally – in front of the screen at home or on site in Wuhan.
KIEZMOBIL-Weißensee Langhanskiez Berlin: Rückblick 2021
Was bewegt uns in unserem Kiez? Was ist uns wichtig? Wie wollen wir unser Lebensumfeld gemeinsam gestalten? – Für Austausch und Aktionen zu diesen Fragen gibt es einen neuen Treff- und Begegnungsort im Langhanskiez Weißenseee. Mit Förderung der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen (FEIN) und in Kooperation mit dem Bezirk Pankow ist das KIEZMOBIL gestartet. Ort für Picknick-Cafe, Bühne für Musik-Konzerte, Workshops und mehr. Hier findet Ihr einen Rückblick zu den Aktionen 2021, mehr Informationen und Kontakte.
CITYMAKERS Ruhr 2020 Meet-Up in Duisburg
The Ruhr-Regions offers many discussion topics of relevance in Europe AND in China, e.g: What are approaches of transition for industrial legacy cities towards sustainable futures? How can culture and nature be drivers in that process? The 2nd CITYMAKERS Ruhr Network Meeting by invitation of CITYMAKERS-Fellow Sebastian Schlecht and in cooperation with the City of Duisburg and the local Confucius Institute took place in September.
CITYMAKERS 5th Anniversary Celebration
5 years of project funding by CITYMAKERS co-initiator, the Robert Bosch Foundation, are coming to an end this autumn. Better than ‘singing the blues’ we decided to happily celebrated a rich ‘harvest’ of results, true to the motto of ‘Keep Talking, Keep Walking, Keep Thinking.’ – Watch the 5-Year-Special-Video, get the CITYMAKERS Global Village Postcard, read the special interview-series, and have a look of how lucky we were to celebrate life in Berlin.
CITYMAKERS Acellerator: Social Entrepreneurship Competence for City-Makers
Social Entrepreneurship meets City-Making: How to move from idea to reality? From project to long-term sustainable business models? Key questions for those who want to really MAKE a difference and create impact. One line of activities within the CITYMAKERS Program was built around social entrepreneurship capacity building. Read here about our learning journey in this field, and on the 4 project cases by peers from the CITYMAKERS community.
Wuhan Memory Maps
Bewohner*innen Wuhans haben ihre Lieblingsrouten und -Orte innerhalb des Stadtraums festhalten können – als Begehung des Stadtraums aus dem
Exil der eigenen Wohnung während des massiv einschränkenden Notstandes.
CITYMAKERS Virtual Walks Project Call
It is official! Out of 43 applications, we have chosen 24 contributions to be part of our CITYMAKERS Virtual Walks Projects 2020. From big cities such as Beijing, Berlin, Luxembourg, Shanghai and Vienna to villages like Hallenberg in the Hochsauerland and the Sichuanese countryside – we got it all covered. Learn about our walkers and their topics – and stay tuned for more!
Virtual Cinematic Walk with Popo Fan
During our first virtual CITYMAKERS walk, Popo Fan 范坡坡 showed us what it is like to see Berlin through the eyes of a queer Chinese filmmaker. Its online premiere was followed by a panel discussion between Popo Fan, Carmen Herold, Mo Sun and Silvan Hagenbrock. If you are interested in this discussion, which touched many transcultural topics such as the comparison between queer life in Berlin and Beijing, you can now watch it here.
Join the “Keep Wuhan Walking” project!
How can you re-create your feeling of a liveable city, if you cannot walk the streets anymore? In the situation of lock down in Wuhan, CITYMAKERS-peers developed the “Memory Walk Map-Toolkit”. Join it! Test it! Submit YOUR PERSONAL WUHAN WALK!
STADTMACHER Lokal: Neue Spielräume für den Kiez Weißenseer Spitze
CONSTELLETIONS hatte sich mit seinem STADTMACHER-Programm am Wettbewerber “Berlin MittendrIN” als Partner beteiligt und die Kreativwerktstadt CALIGARI CAMP CHALLENGE ausgerichtet. Über 30 engagierte Macherinnen und Macher sind zusammen gekommen und haben Visionen für den Kiez entwickelt!
Get to know the 6 CITYMAKERS-Accelerator cases
We are thrilled to present the 6 selected 2020 CITYMAKERS-Accelerator-cases and their makers here.
The Ruhr Region Rocks!
Together with our local partner Sebastian Schlecht, project manager at Green City Essen and CITYMAKERS-fellow, we realized the first CITYMAKERS-Ruhr networking evening.