Alternative urbanism meets social entrepreneurship. China meets Europe. 30 CITYMAKERS from 16 cities – from Beijing and Berlin, Taipei and Vienna, Munich and Shanghai – all with powerful innovative ideas for future livable cities, came together for two and a half days at an almost magical place in the countryside south of Berlin: Drahnsdorf.
STADTMACHER-Kiezerkundung Berlin Weißensee
Was heisst eigentlich Stadtmachen “vor unserer eigenen Haustür”, im Kiez unseres Berliner-Büros in der Weißenseer Spitze? Unsere STADTMACHER-Kiezerkundung war ein voller Erfolg. 30 interessierte Mit-Erkundende, spannende Orte, Themen und Akteure, sowie ein mobiler STADTMACHER-Tee-Salon. Ein erster Prototyp für unsere geplanten CITYMAKERS-Walks ist entstanden! Tragt Euch in den Newsletter ein, wenn Ihr Lust habt, an unseren weiteren STADTMACHER-Erkundungen teilzunehmen. In Kürze laufen wir weiter!
Von Shanghai nach Weißensee – Ein Persönlicher Kiez-Spaziergang mit Katja Hellkötter
2015 zog Katja Hellkötter von Shanghai nach Weißensee. Dass das Empfinden, was einen Kiez lebenswert macht, auch sehr individuelle Bezugspunkte haben kann, die vor dem Film der persönlichen Erinnerung und Assoziationen zu ganz anderen Orten und Erlebtem entstehen, zeigt dieser Kiez-Artikel von Katja Hellkötter.
Foto Flânerie Weißensee mit Jan Siefke
Von Einbeck über Dortmund, Shanghai nach Berlin Weißensee. In seiner Weißenseer Kiezerkundung hat sich Jan Siefke fotografisch auf Identitätssuche des Kiezes begeben.
Reading the Traces of a Place 读书地方的痕迹
What are the topics and objects that catch your interest in the PLACE? Why? How are you interacting with the place? How are people using the place? CITYMAKERS China – Germany´s WU Yimeng and Katja Hellkötter co-created a booklet – Reading the Traces of a Place 读书地方的痕迹 – as a tool for an alternative spatial cognition.
Andrea Weigt & Cyrus Khazaheli – Projektraum Drahnsdorf
Combining their backgrounds in stage design, architecture and movement-based expressive arts, Andrea Weigt & Cyrus Khazaheli offer an environment in which people can connect with nature and with themselves – and generate new ideas. They see themselves as a part of a movement towards a new model of community life in the countryside. This podcast is part of our series recorded at the CITYMAKERS Social Entrepreneurship Competence Lab.
In September 2018, YANG Fan from CECP (China Endangered Culture Protectors) and Silvan Hagenbrock, urbanist and editor of CITYMAKERS, travelled together for 10 days from Xi’an to Taiyuan tracing cultural relics sites. Why go to all these places?
Kai Gong – mit der Learning Cities Map unterwegs in Beijing
Kai Gong ist Musiker und Philosoph, zwischen Berlin und Peking. Mit unserer “Learning Cities Map” spazierte er durch das Pekinger Wudaokou-Viertel und besuchte das in einem Wohnhochhaus gelegene 706 Youth Lab. In diesem Video-Blog hat er seine Eindrücke festgehalten.
Update from the “Future of Living” Study Group – Interview with Iris Belle & Binke Lenhardt
The incubator project „Future of Living“ was one of three projects that received support from the CITYMAKERS China – Germany program during its second year of funding. We want to know: What happened since then, how did the project continue? On behalf of the team, Iris Belle answered the questions.
Booklet: Future of Living
From Dialogue to Action: Since 2016, CITYMAKERS supported the realization of selected project ideas in the context of liveable city making. Read here about the ‘CITYMAKERS-Future of Living’ incubator team.
CITYMAKERS Incubator – Wuhan Narrative
From Dialogue to Action: Since 2016, CITYMAKERS China – Germany facilitated and supported the realization of a number of selected project ideas in the context of liveable city making. Read here about the CITYMAKERS’ culture and identity incubator team ‘Wuhan Narrative’.
Booklet: Guide to Urban Farming in Berlin & Shanghai
From Dialogue to Action: Since 2016, CITYMAKERS China – Germany facilitated and supported the realization of a number of selected project ideas in the context of liveable city making. Read here about the ‘CITYMAKERS-Urban Farming Incubator’.
CITYMAKERS Project Case “Wuhan City Alley Walks”
Learn more about “City Alley Walks”, an initiative organising heritage walks in Wuhan fostering a better understanding of Culture & Identity of the city.
Get to know CROSSBOUNDARIES, award-winng architecture studio in Beijing, founded by Binke Lenhardt and Hao Dong, pioneering in the field of architecture for the future of education. For the CITYMAKERS accelerator program the team brought their vision along to not only create physical learning environments: Creating design thinking based learning programs for kids to become better city makers in the future.
CITYMAKERS Project Case “New Schrebergarden”
Learn more about the CITYMAKERS Accelerator project “New Schrebergarten”, part of the Eco Land Club, establishing the first “Schrebergärten” in China.
CITYMAKERS Project Case “Green Steps”
Get to know Green Steps, aiming for a radical but gradual transformation of human behavioral architecture and the acceleration of environmental education. They have prototyped a gamified social network which drives offline community building and nature connection.
CITYMAKERS Project Case “Wohnbuddy”
“Wohnbuddy”, founded by Marlene Welzl is a matchmaking platform for elderly and young people to live together. Watch the Videos and learn more about “Wohnbuddy”