STADTMACHER-Teammitglied Luisa Keinprecht befragte den Mitbegründer der Markthalle Neun Florian Niedermeier zum Entstehungsprozess, der Zukunftsvision und dem Beitrag der Markthalle zur Gesundheit Berlins.

Between 2016 and 2018 the Urban Farming Incubator Group looked for scalable solutions for urban farming by creating a platform for knowledge exchange between China and Germany. Two teams, based in Shanghai and Berlin, explored ways to help social entrepreneurs achieve social, environmental and economic benefits by creating community gardens. Among others, the project resulted in a 20-page booklet which you can download on this page.
CITYMAKERS Urban Farming – Incubator Group
The Urban Farming Incubator – Focus Group (UFI) recognizes the potential that urban farms present for ecological, social and educational aspects of urban sustainability. The project team will look to further knowledge generation as well as best-practice action for urban farming and livable city making.
Food and thus food security is a basic need that affects everyone. This has led to the global urban farming movement. The urban Farming incubator is looking for scalable solutions for urban farming by creating a platform for knowledge exchange between China and Germany. Our purpose is to help social entrepreneurs achieve social, environmental, and economic benefits by creating community gardens. UFI’s Shanghai-based and Berlin-based teams support each other. The Shanghai team primarily focuses on creating a prototype and a social business plan while the Berlin team’s main thrusts are information research and creating a manual on how to set up an urban farming garden.
UFI developed a business plan for scaling up community gardening at a Chinese school. We held a workshop on nov. 1, 2017. The initial project proposal was for a roof garden at the Design and Innovation Institute, Tongji University Shanghai. Because there was no information on the roof’s load-bearing capacity, we scratched the first proposal and turned to a roof garden solution at Shixi Primary school. That winter, the school, WeGarden (a Shanghai-based social enterprise dedicated to the promotion of community gardens) and UFi collaborated on building a green school roof garden. Eight prototype wooden planting boxes were set up on the school roof.
The Berlin based group set up a Sino-German Garden Demo in Max-Pflanzen Garden, a community garden on the Max-Planck Gymnasium grounds in Berlin-Mitte. The garden has a total area of 400 m2 and a young, intercultural team of volunteers has been tending it since 2015. They installed cold boxes for planting Chinese and German vegetables there. A special vegetable box was part of the Global Field’s “Cropland Buffet” event: here, they planted all the ingredients necessary for the popular Chinese dish “yuxiangqiezi” (fish-flavored eggplant)!
Berlin Team:
Shanghai Team:
STADTMACHER-Teammitglied Luisa Keinprecht befragte den Mitbegründer der Markthalle Neun Florian Niedermeier zum Entstehungsprozess, der Zukunftsvision und dem Beitrag der Markthalle zur Gesundheit Berlins.
Since 2016, Kelai Diebel has been leading the research project UPFARMING to investigate building integrated agriculture design, policy, construction, maintenance, and economics. Here, Kelai explains more about her project.
Interview mit Benedikt Härlin, Leiter des Berliner Büros der Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft und Koordinator des Projekts „Weltacker“.
Was ist weiter gewachsen im STADTMACHER Urban Gardening Projekt? Im September 2018 sprach Luisa Keinprecht mit zwei Initiatorinnen der Sino-German Gardening Group – WU Yimeng und Cecilia Antoni – über ihre Erfahrungen aus dem 2. Jahr des Projekts.