Video Study Tour: Green Transformation in Berlin

Author Gerrit Manke
Published January 2021
Location Berlin

Is Berlin a „green” city? What projects, places or people are contributing to a sustainable and green future for the German capital? In the search for answers to these questions, filmmakers Kika Yang and Randolfe Camarotto, part of the CITYMAKERS China-Europe team, investigated innovative some projects and inspiring makers with their mission to make Berlin a greener place. The project was done in the frame of a cooperation between CITYMAKERS and the Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership implemented by the GIZ.

Who is making Berlin a green and sustainable place to live? – Actors and Projects highlighted in our Virtual Study Tour

“Gieß den Kiez” – A public app visualizing the water supply of every tree in Berlin

Gieß den Kiez in Action © Gieß den Kiez

PROJECT OWNER: City Lab, part of the Technologie Stiftung Berlin, funded by the Senate administration of Berlin.

IMPACT: Visualizing the water supply of 625.000 trees, saving thousands of trees from draught.

INNOVATION: Public app, visualizing and coordinating the water supply of every tree in Berlin.

Learn more about Gieß den Kiez 

“Roof Water Farm” – Smart way for recycling water to grow food

PROJECT INITIATOR: Technical University of Berlin/ Institute for Urban and Regional Planning

IMPACT: Recycling the used water of approx. 250 residents, providing food products to residents and visitors, generating knowledge concerning the combination of water recycling and food production.

INNOVATION: Combining sewage treatment technology with food production, integrating them into a neighborhood.

Learn more about the Roof Water Farm 

Tempelhofer Feld- from former airport to Berlin´s biggest recreation area


IMPACT: Important recreation area for 3,6 Million Berliners, crucial for Berlin’s urban climate.

INNOVATION: Transforming a former inner-city airport into a public green space, providing space for various resident-initiatives.

Production team and process

Direction & Content: Kika Yang

Videography & Post-production: Randolfe Camarotto

Concept: Katja Hellkötter

Research & Film Assistance: Gerrit Manke

If you wish a video produced on your theme in your city, the CITYMAKERS team is ready to engage! Get in touch with Katja Hellkötter,!