Ramona Pop ist Vize-Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Berlin. Im Gespräch mit STADTMACHER China – Deutschland spricht sie über ihre China-Reise 2018, in dessen Rahmen sie unter anderem die Wirtschaftsrepräsentanz Berlin in China eröffnete.

The Asia-Pacific Forum Berlin (APFB) is a not for profit association and dialogue platform for members and partners from the political, business, science and cultural sectors to promote communication and collaboration with the Asia-Pacific region. The APFB’s largest activity is its annual European-Asian event called Asia-Pacific Week Berlin (APW), that was initiated in 1997 by already the Governing Mayor of Berlin and is since then supported by the Berlin Economic Senate 柏林经济部 (Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises), currently headed by Berlin’s green vice-mayor, Ramona Pop. Since 2015 CONSTELLATIONS acts as an advisor to the APW, and in 2018 Katja Hellkoetter was appointed by the Berlin Economic Senate as an Honorary Ambassador for the Asia Pacific Week Berlin, where she is particularly keen on bringing in a mission of innovation for the very cause of sustainable cities.
Annette Heimann, Managing Director