Chengdu Stays Playful

Author Kam, Jaap, Kun
Published September 2020
Location Chengdu

Our project took place in Tang Ba Jie district, Chengdu, China. The main focus of the walk is to observe the changes in a neighborhood like Tang Ba Jie before and after COVID-19 through perspectives of two adults and continue to discuss how urban spaces like Tang Ba Jie influence single children in China.

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About the filmmakers

  • Kam is the cofounder of an architecture firm headquartered in London and Chengdu. He is now living, working and raising his family in Chengdu.
  • Jaap is born in Chengdu and of mixed heritage living in a trilingual family environment.
  • Kun was born and raised in Chengdu. He works in travel industry and has organized a number of city walks since 2017.
© Kam, Jaap, Kun