Maja Linnemann studierte Sinologie in Bremen, Chengdu, Hamburg und London. Sie lebte 14 Jahre in Peking, wo sie u.a. als Redakteurin arbeitete. Unser Team begleitet sie seit 2017. Maja spricht in diesem Interview über den chinesischen Stadtraum, Sprache, Schrift und Friedhöfe.
Maja Linnemann studied Sinology in Bremen, Chengdu, Hamburg and London. Her first degree had a business focus. She has lived and worked in the PR China for more than 15 years, mostly as editor: First in the business field at the Austrian Trade Office, later within the social and cultural field for the Goethe-Institute Beijing. At the Goethe Institute, she was editor-in-chief of the German Chinese Culture Net.
Between 2013 and 2018, Maja was managing director of the Confucius Institute Bremen. Since 2019, she works as a translator (Chinese-German, English-German), author and editor, among others for the CITYMAKERS project. Maja’s particular interests and research areas include: Libraries, cemeteries, museums, ruins, (city) narratives, healthy city… and, of course, people.
What does CITYMAKERS China-Europe mean to you?
Maja Linnemann: “An inspiring, international community with many shared values.”
What drives you with regard to city making?
“It is important to me that cities are safe and comfortable for all inhabitants, which in my view means more space for people who walk or cycle, and less space for individually owned cars. I am quite excited and hopeful that new mobility concepts will change our existing cities in this direction. Furthermore, I like concepts like the “edible city” and hope we will see more of this in the future, so that even in cities, children get familiar with nature and food and learn where fruits, vegetables and herbs come from and how they grow and thus learn to value them. And hopefully we can create habitats for insects, birds and other animals within the cities in order to contribute to biodiversity.”