Profile: Song Qun 宋群| Artist, Architect & Founder of Local Bendi

Location Xian
© Song Qun

SONG Qun, born in 1970, comes from Xi‘an. As an artist and idea generator, he has been working in the fields of architecture, art, design and the creative industry for many years. He is the founder and publisher of the magazine “local 本地” and “MOMADA” and collects and archives photos, videos and texts on the city’s history. In his endeavor to preserve the city’s cultural memory, the focus is on ordinary citizens, their everyday lives and their world of experience. SONG Qun is also practically involved in urban development and has advised the development of several large, commercial urban residential and commercial buildings. He has also curated the “Reading Changes the City” series of around 300 events, including exhibitions, workshops and demonstrations. These have become an influential hallmark of cultural life in Xi’an. His work “Something about Food” was exhibited at the 15th International Architecture Biennale in Venice in 2016. He has been teaching at the Shaanxi Normal University Art Academy since 1992.

艺术家,出版⼈,设计师,策划⼈。2007年创办《本地》书系,⼀直以⺠间⻆度记录 ⻄安的本⼟⽂化与城市记忆。2011年以来,以“艺术介⼊城市”⽅式,发起多个融合在 地⽂化与艺术的城市⽂化项⽬,持续进⾏城市变迁与发展研究,并深度进⾏城市更新 实践,创建了⼀系列“本地⽂化与艺术”主题的城市⽂化公共空间,主持策划与设计过多个旧城改造与⽂创园区项⽬。2016年,受邀参加第 15 届威尼斯国际建筑双年展(中国家馆) ,2017年创办中国第⼀个城市记忆主题博物馆-⻄安市城市记忆博物馆。2019年创办⻄安市城市影像博物馆,从事与城市相关的影像⽂献及图像研究/展览。曾获 2019“中国最美的书”,《中国摄影》图书榜“年度摄影集”以及2018 年⾹港设计师协会“环球设计⼤奖”,意⼤利A‘Design设计奖, 德国红点(RedDot), DFA design for Asia Awards 2019(亚洲设计影响⼒)等⼀系列国际奖项。
