Jah Ying Chung – Change makers exchange ideas

Published May 2019
Location Drahnsdorf

As a member of the effective altruism movement, Jah Ying Chung sees a lot of value in events like the CITYMAKERS Lab to create circumstances for change makers to exchange ideas, build warm communities and morally support each other. She describes the experiences that led her to take responsibility for her existence, create and eventually sell a business because of the distance between its mission and the actual impact created. With her broad experience within start-ups and social organisations, she identified a gap that she is now dedicating her time to fill: Her consultancy “The Good Growth Co” helps companies after their successful launching period to develop a consistent strategy for their development.


Jah Ying Chung © www.jansiefke.de

Listen to the Podcast

Learn more about Jah Ying Chung’s projects:

The Good Growth
