KIEZ:MOBIL Langhanskiez Weißensee Berlin 2022 – Juni 2023 – Termine, Aktivitäten, Infos

Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin 2022 – Cultural Place Making at C*SPACE Berlin

Video Study Tour: Green Transformation in Berlin

Place Making at C*SPACE Berlin: Impressions from Pop-Up Teahouse Summer 2021

Reading the Traces of a Place 读书地方的痕迹

CITYMAKERS 5th Anniversary Celebration

CITYMAKERS-Ruhr: Reflections during the corona crisis (1)

We Are All Wuhan – Video Messages

CITYMAKERS Recommendations 2016

Culture and Architecture as Drivers for Rural Development


Die Stadt als interaktive Leinwand

Audiowalk: Brachland Weißensee


12 CITYMAKERS Topics Between China and Germany
