The synthesis of 5 Years CITYMAKERS China – Europe – A global village of Sino-European city-makers
Be it in China or Europe, the ability to create communities (both spatial and social) is the ‘currency’ that lies at the heart of livable cities. Five years after the development of the CITYMAKERS China-Europe program, an ecosystem of places and spaces for the exchange and testing of new models of livable cities has emerged across cultural, disciplinary and national boundaries. In these transformation hubs peers of the CITYMAKERS network act as catalysts for change, sharing solidarity, ideas and friendship.
CITYMAKERS Global Village – People / Places / Projects
The Global Village Map shows a snapshot of projects, places and spaces as of Sept 2020: these are places where most activities happened in the CITYMAKERS program during 2015 and 2020. The map is not comprehensive thought, the eco system is continuously evolving in line with new relationships being built…
BERLIN – CITYMAKERS Virtual Walks // Beijing- Berlin Learning Cities Map // STADTMACHER Lokal – Weißensee // Urban Farming Incubator // Future of Living Incubator
DRAHNSDORF – Projektraum Drahnsdorf // Social Entrepreneurship Lab
RUHRGEBIET – Local Governments for Sustainability // CITYMAKERS Ruhr // lala Ruhr // ICLEI
WIEN – Wohnbuddy // Raumstation
SHANGHAI – Schrebergärten 2.0 // SHANGHAI FLANEUR // Green Steps ARK
WUHAN – China Endangered Culture Protectors // Keep Wuhan Walking
CHENGDU – Traceys Cafe, Roof Top Farming //Sichuan University// PRESPACE // Chengdu Stays Playful
XIAN – Traces of the city // Local Bendi
BEIJING – Beijing- Berlin Learning Cities Map // CROSSBOUNDARIES // Goethe Institut Peking
How do 5 Years of CITYMAKERS look like? A compilation of visual memories
After going through our photo archive CITYMAKERS project partner Kika Yang, architect, editor and lecturer, and her student, Estefania Cadena, she curated this beautiful collection of memories from all the various CITYMAKERS events and activities. The Global Village Map served as a supporting framework. Watch the video and zoom into the Global Map’s spaces and places!