Wonderland in Berlin

Conceptual Thoughts for the 3rd year of program. Why again? What so far? What now?

Booklet: Guide to Urban Farming in Berlin & Shanghai

Die Pekinger Mischung

#5 Adaptation Strategies of German Cities

#2 Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Urban Renewal

#1 Sustainable Urban Renewal in Former Industrial Areas

Profile: Silvan Hagenbrock 思尔闻 | Urbanist, Editor & Film

Profile: Oliver May-Beckmann | Social Innovation Expert & Educator

Virtual Walks Project 2020 & Videos

SHI Ming – Es muss mit zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation beginnen

FAN Popo – Queer City

KIEZMOBIL-Weißensee Langhanskiez Berlin: Rückblick 2021

CITYMAKERS Project Case “Wohnbuddy”
